Ryan Bartel Foundation
Virtual and In-person Opportunities
The mission of the Ryan Bartel Foundation is to prevent youth suicide through awareness, upstream educational programs, and activities that support and empower youth, families, and the community-at-large through acceptance, connection, resiliency and hope. Our objectives are to break the stigma surrounding mental health and suicide through communication and positive outreach in our communities, to create a culture where everyone matters, to facilitate connections among youth and with trusted adults, to empower youth to seek help for themselves and help others, to provide evidence-based programs to build resiliency for coping with life’s challenges, and to support youth-inspired activities to foster self-purpose, belonging and hope.
How to Volunteer:
If you are younger than 18:
1. Contact your school's Sources of Strength or We're All Human Committee.
2. Learn how to get involved at the Ryan Bartel Get Involved page.
If you are older than 18:
1. Fill out the volunteer form.
Contact Information: Valeria (Val) Walters (She/Her), Executive Director
Website: www.Ryanbartelfoundation.org
What do Ryan Bartel Volunteers do?
Volunteer at THE FORT, a community space for young people to connect, share, have fun, and enjoy activities that strengthen and enrich their lives
Get involved in your high school's Sources of Strength or We're All Human Committee.